

All parties involved in a report of sexual misconduct are entitled to a prompt and equitable response to the matter. Below are resources and information to assist those who have been accused of sexual misconduct.


Overview: Respondent Resource Coordinators (RRCs) for students

A member of the Respondent Resource Coordinator team is available to provide information on resources for students accused of sexual misconduct. An RRC will assist a Respondent with:

  • obtaining emotional support through counseling
  • navigating the disciplinary process
  • assisting with questions and concerns

Members of the RRC team do not act as legal counsel and generally are unable to serve as Advisors in University disciplinary proceedings.


Respondent Contact Information

Respondents can contact the resources below for information on University procedures, rights and responsibilities of the Complainant and Respondent, prohibition on retaliation, and for assistance in obtaining University resources.

Respondent Resource Coordinator Team     
Phone: 610-519-8807   
Email: respondentresource@villanova.edu

Title IX Coordinator, Ms. Ryan Rost
Phone: 610-519-8805   
Email: ryan.rost@villanova.edu

Title IX Case Manager, Shannon Barnett
Phone: 610-519-8804
Email: shannon.barnett@villanova.edu

Dean of Students Office

Phone: 610-519-4200   
Email: deanofstudents@villanova.edu


A note on confidentiality: Members of the RRC are required to share reports of sexual misconduct with the Title IX Coordinator. Respondents are encouraged to utilize confidential counseling services at the University Counseling Center

Note that confidentiality will be maintained by a counselor or therapist under all circumstances except when there is an immediate threat of serious harm to a person. This means that, in almost all circumstances, these people are not required to report any information to anyone without permission. 

Clergy acting in a pastoral capacity are also available as confidential resources.


My Friend Has Been Named as a Respondent

If a friend or someone you know is reported to have committed act(s) of sexual misconduct, it is likely that you have questions and may be struggling to understand what has happened. You may be experiencing a range of emotions such as helplessness, anger, confusion or betrayal. If your friend has told you that they have been reported to have committed act(s) of sexual misconduct, they may be turning to you for help and support, and you may be unsure how to respond to your friend or the situation.

How to support:

  • Direct your friend to resources. The Title IX Coordinator, Title IX Investigator or the Dean of Students Office can and will help a Respondent understand what may happen next. Additionally, they can connect the Respondent with a support person. Helping your friend access these resources is a step you can take to provide support in what may be a confusing and emotional time for both of you.
  • Recommend that your friend seek counseling to work through their emotions. It may also be helpful for you to seek counseling to help you process any emotions and trauma you may be experiencing as a result of the situation.
  • Become educated on the issue of sexual misconduct. The information on this website can answer questions you may have. If you are seeking additional information on sexual misconduct, please contact the Office of Health Promotion.
  • Be available to listen in a non-judgmental manner. They may not feel comfortable talking about the matter, but let your friend know you will listen.


  • You can help your friend without making a judgment as to whether or not an act of sexual misconduct occurred. Determining if a crime or policy violation took place is the responsibility of the legal system and/or campus administrators.

  • Do not take action against those involved, including, but not limited to the complainant and witnesses. Violence or retaliation is not the answer to helping your friend. Remember, harassing and threatening behaviors are not helpful and could undermine any court or student conduct proceeding taking place. It could also jeopardize your own standing at the University.



Academic Accommodations

The University recognizes how an experience or allegation of sexual misconduct can impact classwork and attendance. The University can offer reasonable and appropriate academic accommodations to involved parties.

Housing Modifications

The University can offer involved parties a temporary or permanent change in on-campus living arrangements.



Student Health Center: 610-519-4070

Public Safety: 610-519-4444

Delaware County Victim Assistance Center: 610-566-4342

Employee Health Advocate: 866-799-2728


University Counseling Center: 610-519-4050

Clergy in a pastoral capacity