
Dean Mao Publications

Dean Wen Mao

The Ends Against the Middle: The Case of Municipal Golf (with Xiaoxiao Li, Peter Zaleski, and Catherine Kenny), Public Finance Review, online March 2023.

Profits and Corporate Philanthropy: An Economic Rationale for Dual Mission Firms (with John Pearce and Renya Reed Wasson), Managerial and Decision Economics, pages 439–455, October 2015

Specialists as Risk Managers: the Competition between Intermediated and Non-intermediated Markets (with Michael Pagano), Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 35, issue 1, 2011.

The Effect of Leasing versus Buying on Entry Deterrence (with Peter Zaleski), Managerial and Decision Economics, June 2011

Price-matching Policy with Imperfect Information, Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol. 26, P. 367-372, 2005.

An Investigation of the Relationship between Political Support, Party Strength, and Term Limits (with Suzanne Clain), Atlantic Economic Journal, Vol. 31, No.1, March 2003.

Choices of Organizational Structures in Religious Organizations (with C. Zech), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 47, P.55- 70, 2002.

The Free Rider Problem in Lobbying, A Comment (with P. Zaleski), Review of Industrial Organization, Vol. 19, P.295-303, 2001.            

On the Inconsistent Voting Behavior for Candidates and Term Limitation, Economic Theory, Vol.17, No. 3, P. 701-720, 2001.

N-Person Nash Bargaining with Variable Threats (with M. Kaneko), Japanese Economic Review, Vol.47, No.3, September 1996.

Commitments to Threat Strategies in Nash Bargaining, International Journal of Game Theory, Vol.22, P.141-151, 1993.