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During the academic year, classes are typically held one night a week, Monday through Thursday, from 6:15 pm to 8:45 pm. Times may vary during the summer. Students must complete 6 required and 4 elective courses. Currently, there are no online courses available.

Students in the Master of Science in Applied Statistics (MSAS) program must complete Statistical Methods, Regression Methods, and Statistical Theory I within their first 15 credits. They must also complete Statistical Theory II within their first 21 credits. 

Links:  for Full-Time MSAS Graduate Students and information on  for classes.


Required Courses

STAT 7404 - Statistical Methods (Fall only)

STAT 7500 - Statistical Programming 

STAT 8400 - Statistical Theory I (Fall only)


STAT 8401 - Statistical Theory II (Spring only)

STAT 8406 - Regression Methods (Spring only)

STAT 8412 - Linear Models (Fall only)

Elective Courses

STAT 8408 - Multivariate Methods

STAT 8410 - Bayesian Statistics

STAT 8414 - Categorical Data Anal

STAT 8416 - Design of Experiments

MAT 8430 - Operations Research*

MAT 8435 - Mathematical Modeling*

STAT 8440 - Statistics Quality Control

STAT 8444 - Time Series and Forecasting

STAT 8446 - Survival Data Analysis

STAT 8448 - Clinical Trials

STAT 8450 - Longitudinal Data Analysis

STAT 8452 - Nonparametric Statistics

STAT 8454 - Sampling Methods

STAT 8462 - Stochastic Modeling

STAT 8480 - Data Mining & Predictive Analytics

STAT 8790 - Selected Topics I (e.g., Deep Learning, Stat. Gen.)

STAT 8795 - Selected Topics II

STAT 8800 - Independent Study


*These courses, along with a few others not listed here, are offered via the MA in Mathematics program, but can be counted toward the MS in Applied Statistics Degree. Applied Statistics students should take no more than two of these "crossover" courses and should check with the Director of Applied Statistics when interested in taking more than one.

Note: Certain courses listed under other graduate programs may serve as electives with prior approval from the Director of the Applied Statistics Graduate Program.